
网赌最好最大平台,L.L.C. (“PRG”)同意提供设备(“设备”)和服务, 如果有任何, (“Services”) to the customer (“Client”) under the 条款 of this Agreement. PRG包括美国所有品牌和所有地点. 任何工作范围, 报价, 报价, 建议, 由PRG签发的发票或类似文件(各一份“SOW”), 根据该文件在何处进行工作, 被视为已被客户接受并纳入本协议. Unless otherwise specifically addressed as a per event agreement in the SOW, 本协议自签署之日起一年内有效, 并将续签一年, 除非在工作计划中有明确规定, 或由任何一方以书面形式终止.


1. “租期”自设备离开PRG仓库之日起开始,至设备在PRG指定地点归还给PRG之日止. Fees for 设备 and Services, as applicable, are set forth in the SOW. PRG可能会要求提供设备保证金. 在事件中,客户端进入PRG的工作场所进行准备, 打包或拾取设备, 客户同意遵守所有PRG安全和健康协议, 待提供.


2. PRG represents that all 设备 will leave its custody in good working order. 客户应负责检查设备,并在发现设备丢失或工作状态不佳时立即通知PRG. 除非在此明确规定, PRG GIVES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT, 包括但不限于, 网赌最好最大平台适销性或适用性或防止侵权干扰的默示保证或任何其他未明确书面同意的保证.


3. 如果设备发生完全由PRG引起的故障或失败,PRG对客户的唯一义务和责任是修理设备或向客户提供相同或类似的设备.


4. Unless otherwise expressly assumed by PRG as part of the Services in a SOW, 客户在整个租赁期内对设备负责. 客户承担设备使用和操作中的所有风险,并有责任提供安全装置和设备以保护设备用户,并遵守所有联邦法规, 州和地方法律法规, 以及所有的行业标准. Client agrees that it will not remove or permanently cover the tag or nameplates on the 设备 showing ownership in PRG. 客户不得对设备进行任何更改或增加,也不得拆卸设备,除非是更换消耗品所必需的.


5. 设备必须保留在SOW中规定的场地,未经PRG事先明确书面批准,不得转让. PRG或其代理人在任何合理时间进入设备存放场所以评估设备状况均属合法.


6. 本协议并非出售. Client shall not have or at any time acquire any right to possession, 包括通过使用占有, 损失, 损坏或未能归还设备. 设备的所有权应始终属于PRG. Client agrees not to pledge, mortgage or in any other way encumber the 设备.


7. Client shall reimburse PRG for the cost of any repairs (including charges for shipping, 由于设备在租赁期内发生的任何损坏而需要的人力和零部件), 在PRG的判断中, 是由于日常使用或PRG的行动). 如果任何或所有设备损坏无法修复, 或在租赁期内遗失或被盗, Client agrees to reimburse PRG for the full replacement value of the 设备 (without deduction for depreciation). 客户还同意承担丢失或损坏设备的租赁费用,直至更换或修理设备为止.


8. 租期结束或提前终止时, 客户应承担其成本和费用, deliver and return the 设备 to PRG in good condition and repair, 合理磨损除外. PRG shall notify Client of any damages or 损失 within a reasonable amount of time after the 设备 is returned. Client shall remain responsible for any damage to the 设备 caused during the Rental Period.


9. 如果适用的话, Client is solely responsible for storing and clearing any and all images (in any form), 或任何其他内容或客户资料(“客户资料”), 在归还设备之前. 设备归还后, PRG可清除设备中的任何客户数据, however PRG shall have no obligation to preserve or erase any Client Data. PRG不对因客户或代表客户重新租用以前使用的设备而泄露的客户数据负责. PRG is not responsible for unrecorded Client Data or the 损失 of Client Data due to any cause whatsoever, 包括但不限于, 技术故障, 物理伤害, 或者PRG员工的失误, 代理, 代表, 承建商或分包商.


10. Client agrees to insure 设备 at all times during the Rental Term. 就本节而言, PRG缔约方系指PRG, 它的父, 子公司, 子公司及其成员, 经理, 董事, 雇员及代理人.
a) Client shall carry the following insurance: Commercial General Liability insurance (or equivalent) covering operations, 完成操作及产品责任, 人身伤害责任和广告损害, 以1美元为限,000,每次发生$ 000和$2,000,总共有000人, naming PRG Parties as an Additional Insured on a primary basis and waiver of subrogation in favor of PRG Parties; evidence of Workers Compensation insurance in statutory limits including Employers Liability with a limit of $500,000; and Property insurance on 设备, 在“全风险”的基础上, 包括风暴, 洪水和地震危险, 运输途中损失, 金额不低于设备的全部重置价值(非租赁价值)(不扣除折旧),指定PRG方为损失收款人. 如果客户从PRG地点提取设备, 商业汽车责任保险也应要求, 限额不少于500美元,每宗事故000 000美元.
(b) Client acknowledges it is solely responsible for the payment of any deductibles on any required insurance. PRG reserves the right to increase these limits based on values and type of event. 保护伞保单或超额责任保单可与主要保险限额一起使用,以满足最低要求的限额. A valid and compliant insurance certificate evidencing such coverages, 条款, 免赔额数量, 并且必须在任何设备或服务发布之前向PRG提交运输和非现场覆盖范围的说明. 如果有必要的话, PRG将提供保险证明, as reasonably requested by a venue in order for PRG to perform its Services.


11. (a)除本协议另有规定外, nonperformance by either Party of any of its obligations under the Agreement will be a Force Majeure, to the extent and only for so long as such performance is rendered impossible by fire, 洪水, 地震, 自然的因素或上帝的行为, 战争行为, 恐怖主义, 骚乱, 内乱, strike (other than of the nonperforming Party or its subcontractors), 政府行为, 供应商失效, 包括供应链和制造商问题, 第三方运输和劳动力短缺(非由一方造成), or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of the nonperforming Party that would make it impossible, inadvisable or illegal to either render the Services or hold the Event, 不履约方继续尽商业上合理的努力,在任何可能的时间和范围内重新开始履约. 在不可抗力事件中, 客户应向PRG偿还其实际发生的费用, and PRG agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate such costs. (b)由于客户未提供与设备或服务相关的信息或未遵守本协议或不可抗力导致的延迟交付,PRG不承担责任.


12. 未使用的设备不计提津贴. 除非PRG另有书面同意, 客户负责设备运输的所有费用,并确保设备妥善储存和运输.


13. Client will be responsible to pay additional fees for any additional Services and 设备 not included in the SOW. Client will pay PRG’s current daily rate for late return of the 设备. Client will incur cancellation fees in the event of any cancellation occurring within 10 days of the start of the Rental Term as follows: 4-10 days = 50% of Fee due; Under 3 days= 100% of Fee due. In the event of cancellation for any reason occurring more than 10 days prior to event, 客户应支付PRG发生的所有实际费用.


14. 除非在SOW中特别提到, 价格不包括销售税或使用税, 或者运费. 所有的税收, 付, 如果适用的话, 还有运费, 如果有任何, 除约定价格外,客户还需支付哪些费用. Client agrees to indemnify PRG for any taxes incurred and costs relating to penalties and collections.


15. 所有费用的支付应按照工作清单或发票的规定进行. Client will incur additional fees for late returns and damage to the 设备. 除非另有约定,付款条件为货到付款. PRG will charge the highest rate allowed by law on all late payments. 如果PRG开始收集动作, 客户应承担由此产生的一切费用, including reasonable outside attorney’s fees and costs of collection.


16. 如果客户拖欠付款或违反任何其他条款, or if PRG reasonably believes that the 设备 is in danger of being seized, 夺取或摧毁, 那么无论如何, PRG有权终止本协议, and retake immediate possession of the 设备 and for such purpose, PRG may enter upon the premises where the 设备 is located and remove it, 有或没有强制或通知, 无需对客户承担任何诉讼责任, 诉讼或其他程序.


17. 即使在客户违反或违约后,PRG未能坚持严格遵守这些条款和条件,不应被解释为放弃PRG在本协议项下的任何权利.


18. 委托人同意辩护, indemnify and hold harmless PRG Parties from and against any and all liabilities, 索赔, 要求, 行动, 损失, 损害赔偿及费用(包括, 但不限于, 合理的外部律师费和费用)人身伤害, death or property damage to the 设备 or other property (“Loss”), in any way arising out of or resulting from any of the following: (1) the breach of any 条款 in this Agreement; or (2) Client’s use or possession of 设备; or (3) Client’s negligence or willful misconduct or (4) the transport or shipping of the 设备, 如果由客户或由客户安排. 为免生疑问, the indemnity provided by Client to PRG includes indemnity for 索赔 of personal injury, death or property arising from 内乱 occurring at any site in which the 设备 is located, 无论客户是否实际参与了骚乱. 就本条而言,客户包括其雇员, 代理, 承包商或代表及受邀者, and excludes indemnity to the extent a Loss arises from a PRG Party’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.


19. 在任何情况下,任何一方均不承担任何相应的责任, 偶然的, 与设备租赁有关的间接或特殊损害,无论该方是否已被告知这种损害的可能性.


20. 本协议 may not be assigned by Client unless agreed to in writing by PRG.


21. 这些条款和条件应受加利福尼亚州法律管辖,地点和管辖权应完全归属于位于洛杉矶县的有管辖权的法院, CA. 双方同意就与本协议有关的任何事项在加利福尼亚州境内或境外接受送达. 在任何此类诉讼或诉讼中胜诉的一方有权获得诉讼费用和合理的外部律师费.


22. 如本协议的一项或多项规定, or the application of any provision to any party or circumstance is held to be invalid, 在任何方面都是不可执行的或非法的, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and in full force and effect.


23. PRG expressly rejects any forms or other documents submitted by Client, 包括订单条款和条件. 任何试图修改, supplement or amend these 条款 and conditions will be null and void unless agreed to in writing by PRG.


24. 本协议, 包括SOW, 本协议包含双方的全部谅解,除非双方以书面形式签署,否则不得修改. 这些条款和条件具有约束力, 当(a)客户收到本协议的副本,且(b)客户接受任何设备或服务时,客户应被视为已接受本协议中包含的条款和条件.


在该协议签署之前,PRG不能保证价格.O. 发行和支付保证金.交货日期不能保证.